Cardiologists, Urologists, Pain Management Practices, Dermatology (Mohs and CO2 lasers), and many others. If you’re doing procedures in your office, chances are you could use our help. Procedural sedation/anesthesia can increase patient comfort, and can improve the efficiency of your office. See more patients, in the same time or less, and increase patient satisfaction. That’s a winning combination.
We accept most major insurances offered in Arizona. For self-pay patients, we collect this ourselves the day of the procedure. Your staff will not have to worry about dealing with our fees.
At no cost to you, we can offer your patients a comfortable, safe experience, in the location they’re familiar with. This is a huge marketing tool to differentiate your practice from other practices. Contact us today so we can talk specifically about your practice and what we can do for you.
(We do not currently offer general anesthesia, requiring intubation or LMA placement, in any office setting at this time. Our IV anesthesia/sedation is deep enough for almost any procedure and our patients are very comfortable and satisfied.)